I+1 strategy: Keep the ball rolling before giving
the tools
prof/ Walid El-Gohary
It doesn’t take a tenured teacher to give a good grammar lesson.
Anyone can. It’s just a matter of keeping in mind the essentials of every great

1-Pay Attention to What Your Students Already Know
If you are teaching grammar right at
your students’ level, you might be doing it wrong. The best grammar lessons
will be just a bit more advanced than what your students are already
comfortable with. If you teach material that is too easy, students will check
out. If you teach material that is too hard, students will check out. So the
best grammar lessons walk the fine line between ease and difficulty. In
teaching text books, it’s referred to as i+1. If i is what your students know,
the target material is just a little bit beyond that. When you teach at i+1,
students will be able to grasp and understand the new grammar concept while
still being able to link it to what they already know.
2- Pay Attention to How Your Students Learn
One key to any great lesson is making
sure you connect with your
students’ learning styles. You have probably heard about these learning styles
before: visual learners, auditory or aural learners, and kinesthetic learners.
Most people learn through one of these means – through what they see, through
what they hear, or through what they experience in a hands on way. The best
lessons incorporate all of these elements. If you tell your students the
information they need, you are teaching in a style that works for aural learns.
If you also make notes on your board or refer to things written in your text
book, you are incorporating visual aspects to your lesson. Kinesthetic elements
may be more difficult for you to include. Or at least, they may not be the
first types of activities you think of (unless you happen to be a kinesthetic
learner yourself). You can easily include hands on aspects to your lesson,
however. Try giving students something to manipulate as they learn, such as words
written on small slips of paper or props that you can use in your explanation.
Get your students moving to engage their kinesthetic senses. Have them go to
different areas of your classroom, or act out something you are teaching. If
you can specifically include activities that appeal to each of these three
types of learners, you will have a grammar lesson that everyone will enjoy and
benefit from.
3-Warm Up Your Students
One of the best ways I have used to
warm up my grammar class is by showing them why they need the grammatical
structure that I will be teaching. Making students aware of the need before you teach the
solution will get students thinking about the structure they are currently
missing in their grammar-minds. They will pay more attention when you present
the information, and they will have an immediate way to apply what they have
learned. You don’t want to discourage your students by giving them a problem
they can’t solve just so they pay attention during your lesson. Just help them
be aware of what they need. Try giving a discussion question that elicits the
target structure to get the ball rolling before you give them the tools to
accomplish it.
4-Don’t Spend the Whole Lesson Talking
That doesn’t mean you can’t talk when
you give a lesson or that the classroom should be quiet from start to finish. In fact, you do want a classroom
filled with voices, but those voices should not be your own. It is easy to fall
into lecture mode when you teach a grammar lesson. You are the one with the
information. You want to give that information to your students. But the more
time you spend teaching, the less time your students will be communicating in
class and therefore the less time they are using English. The best grammar
lessons are those where your students do most of the talking. You might try the
method of teaching grammar, where you give them an exercise on the
target structure along with the answers before you teach the concept. Challenge
your students to figure out the rule on their own before teaching it to them.
This way, your students spend more time talking with each other than you spend
talking at them, and when they discover the grammar rule on their own they are
more likely to remember it.
5-Give Students a Chance to Practice
Filling in the blanks in a textbook
exercise is okay, but it’s not the only way your students should practice the
grammar they are learning in class. The best grammar lessons give students a chance to practice
the target structure in their spoken language as well as their written
language. Filling in the blanks is good for teaching a grammatical rule or
pattern, but don’t stop there. Push your students to use what they are learning
in a conversation with a classmate or to by writing a paragraph or two. As they
practice this way, listen and check their work and give feedback one on one as
much as possible.
6-Include Real Life Materials and/or
Where in the real world will your
students encounter the language structure you are teaching in class? Can you bring that situation into
your classroom? We have all heard about realia
and bringing it into the classroom, but what exactly is realia? It is real life
material that your ESL students can use in the classroom. You might bring in a
menu, a bus schedule, or a newspaper. Any of those is realia and is a great way
of connecting
the real world with the classroom. When you teach your next grammar
lesson, think about where students might see and use that structure outside the
ESL classroom, and then bring those connections into your room.
7-Stress Communication
I am a strong supporter of the
communicative classroom. A communicative classroom is one that stresses communication between
students. It means putting abstract knowledge to practical application and
using the language in speaking or writing. Your best grammar lessons will be
ones that students use to communicate with each other. This doesn’t mean
assigning exercises from the text book, though those are good in moderation. A
communicative activity uses the target structure to accomplish a real life
goal. For example, if you are teaching modals, ask your students to talk about
what could be done to improve the classroom or the school grounds. Give them a
real life application of the language and then let them use it in conversation.
Thanks Dr/Walid for your efforts